Increasing Equity in Pain Management, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, and Linkages to CARE


Introspection Identify and examine your blind spots. Maintain compassion for yourself while confronting your biases. Mindfulness Recognize that people are more likely to use stereotypes and other cognitive shortcuts when under pressure. TBreathing techniques, yoga, and meditation can help to improve emotional regulation and mindfulness. Perspective-taking Take the first-person perspective of a member of a stigmatized group: e.g., what might it be like to know that people doubt your abilities based on your identity? Learn to slow down Pause and reflect on any potential implicit biases prior to engaging with people from stigmatized groups.

Individuation Gather specific information about the person interacting with you to prevent yourself from activating and applying stereotypes. Check your messaging Use terms and language known to create a more inclusive environment. Institutionalize fairness Organizational leaders can reduce bias by placing all program ideas and interventions through an equity lens, and by displaying images and using messaging that is counter-stereotypic and promotes equity. Take two Recognize that addressing implicit biases is hard work and lifelong work.

5 Edgoose JYC, Quiogue M, Sidhar K. How to identify, understand, and unlearn implicit bias in patient care. Fam Pract Manag. 2019;26(4):29-33.


Intersectionality and Implicit Bias Combating Implicit and Unconscious Bias toward Transgender and Gender Diverse People. National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center Implicit Association Tests. Project Implicit Implicit Bias and Power Imbalances. National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center Implicit Bias Training Course. National Institutes of Health, Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity Intersectionality Resource Guide and Toolkit. UN Women and United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Learning to Address Implicit Bias towards LGBTQ Patients: Case Scenarios. National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center


Take a moment to try to identify one of your blind spots. If you need help in thinking about blind spots, take an Implicit Association Test.


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