Increasing Equity in Pain Management, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, and Linkages to CARE

STRATEGY: Develop and Learn from Patient Personas

As part of life-long learning, health center care teams can write and discuss their own patient personas and can share these with health center leadership. Developing patient personas can help with practicing the principles discussed in this Resource Guide, such as: identifying patient assets, acknowledging intersectional identities, and understanding the impact of implicit bias, assumptions, and structural inequities. Moreover, developing patient personas based on clinical experience can serve as a first step in using human centered design to solve problems and build tailored, patient-centered programs. On the following page is a patient persona with accompanying questions that care teams can start with to bring about important discussions and problem-solving. Feel free to use any of the patient personas provided in this Resource Guide.



Personas and Human-Centered Design

The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design . IDEO

Write your own patient persona based on a patient or combination of patients.


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