Increasing Equity in Pain Management, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, and Linkages to CARE

STRATEGY: Engage in Meaningful Linkages to Care and Capacity Building

What are meaningful linkages to care? Meaningful linkage to care refers to increasing and improving patient access to a full array of treatment, care, and supportive services through robust and sustainable partnerships among the health center and partners in the community, including the medical community, local community organizations, and public health agencies. Together, the partners agree on shared goals and values to support all patients and clients, and to advance health equity. Essential aspects of meaningful linkage to care Patients who need external referrals are more likely to follow through when they experience meaningful linkage to care. To achieve meaningful linkage to care, health centers can aim to do the following: ❚ Establish collaborative and robust relationships with all referral partners ❚ Conduct asset mapping to identify additional partners to fill gaps in services

Naomi Windham expands on three essential aspects of meaningful linkage to care: building partnerships in the

community, collaborating with peers, and lowering barriers to navigating the healthcare system.

❚ Know first-hand that the referral partners provide a safe, welcoming, and trauma-informed space that is culturally responsive to the identities of the people being referred ❚ Do not assume that patients will follow through on their own, without support from the health center


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